lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018

[Java] Convert float[] to double[]

Typically when you have a float array in java, you cannot simply cast it to a double array like you do with other types.

here is a nice and simple function to convert a float array into a double array without loosing precision.

     public double[] floatToDouble(final float[] aFloatArray) {
        DoubleStream doubleStream = IntStream.range(0, aFloatArray.length)
                .mapToDouble(i -> aFloatArray[i]);
        return doubleStream.toArray();

So in summary you could use it like this:

     public void aMethod(){
        final float[] aFloatArray = new float[]{
        final double[] aDoubleArray = floatToDouble(aFloatArray);

And there it is! A simple and elegant way to convert your float arrays to double arrays.

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