this time I come with a little nice code snippet, that will help you to easily check if a record exists in a MySQL table, so for example I will take the task "check if a username exists in the users table"
for this you will need two functions:
function connect(){
include('config.php'); //where you have your db stuff saved
$link = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
die('ERROR: 001');
return $link;
this can be replaced by your favourite way to connect to the database, so next function:
function check($table, $fields, $values) {
if((count($fields) > count($values)) || count($values) > count($fields)) die('ERROR 004');
$link = connect();
$check_query = 'SELECT ';
$check_query .= $fields[$i].',';
$check_query = rtrim($check_query, ',');
$check_query .= ' FROM '.$table.' WHERE ';
$check_query .= $fields[$i].'=' .$values[$i] . ' AND ';
$check_query = substr($check_query, 0, -4).';';
$result = mysql_query($check_query);
die('ERROR: 005 ');
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($count > 0) die('username taken!');
here there are 3 parameters:
- Table: the table name you want to query
- Fields: the fields you want to query
- Value: the values you want to query
notice that fields and values must have the same count() otherwise it wont work!
so the usage should be:
check('users', array('username'), array('\''.$username.'\''));
if you want to compare more values, just make the arrays bigger and dont forget the " ' " in varchar or texts.
this is an easy way to kill the pain of writting querys over and over again. I hope it helps you out.
Happy codding.
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